Bill Courtney
Watch video clips from Undefeated
Discipline and Perseverance
Coach Bill Courtney is a familiar name to those who have seen him in Undefeated – the Oscar Winning movie about the high school team he coached in a downtrodden section of North Memphis.
Courtney goes against the grain of today’s me-first culture, and winning isn’t just about the score at the end of the game, or the profit margin. Ultimately, it’s about the impact you’ll make on your fellow human beings and the legacy you leave behind.
“My philosophy on coaching doesn’t start with X’s and O’s… it starts with believing that players win games and coaches win players”

“The role for a coach is often defined by wins and losses. Coach Courtney is a unique coach who understands that his role is not about a trophy, but about developing the next generation of leaders across the globe. Against The Grain speaks directly to that audience, both young and old, and is a must read for anyone who strives to impact others.”